

  • November 2, 2023
    The Moon is the proving ground,' added the former Republican congressman, who was appointed by President Donald Trump. 'We can move up the Mars landing by moving up the Moon landing. 'We want to achieve a Mars landing in 2033,' Bridenstine told lawmakers at a congressional hearing on Capitol Hill...
    To get started, go to the GitHub connection page in the Notion marketplace, and click the “+ Add to Notion” button. It allows you to see updates on GitHub PRs and Issues directly within Notion, and it also allows you to use a Synced Database to download PRs and Issues as Notion database entries...
    Ni-rich NMC (LiNi xMn 圜o zO 2 x + y + z ≈ 1, x ≥ 0.6) with high capacity (>200 mAh g −1) has demonstrated great potential as a cathode material for high energy density LIBs 1, 2, 3. Sustainable and stable high-energy cathode materials are indispensable for the next-generation lithium-ion...